
Babyloss Reflection and Awareness Event - donations to support 4Louis…

Rebecca Charlton

Rebecca Charlton

My Story

Our baby boy Jasper Wren was born too soon due to PPROM and we devastatingly lost him in 2020. 4Louis provided us with a memory box which gives us a great deal of comfort and helps to recognise the life of our boy, a recognition of a life and a lasting relationship that is not always acknowledged by society.

In memory and acknowledgement of him and all the other children who are held so closely in our hearts though no longer in our arms, I have organised an event in collaboration with sand artist Soul2Sand. We will be raising money for 4Louis on the day and through this page during the lead up to the event.

We are inviting people affected by the loss of a baby at any stage of pregnancy/infancy to join us on one of the country's most beautiful coastlines, to collectively create large scale image in the sand which will do it's part to convey the unique mix of absolute heartbreak and true love that unites us. For those who cannot make it but would like to support us with raising funds for 4Louis please kindly donate here. 
I hope that the physical process of creating this image may help people to connect to, and process a grief that is often too complex to put into words. We will be asking people to add to the image with names/dates/special words that you would like to add to honour your children. Aerial images of our design will be captured and available for the group as well as hopefully featured in the press to start a bigger conversation about how we can break the taboos of babyloss and how we can do more to support people through it. 

Event details

Alnmouth beach - 1st July -  9.30am



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Our baby boy Jasper Wren was born too soon due to PPROM and we devastatingly lost him in 2020. 4Louis provided us with a memory box which gives us a great deal of comfort and helps to recognise the life of our boy, a recognition of a life and a lasting relationship that is not always acknowledged by society.

In memory and acknowledgement of him and all the other children who are held so closely in our hearts though no longer in our arms, I have organised an event in collaboration with sand artist Soul2Sand. We will be raising money for 4Louis on the day and through this page during the lead up to the event.

We are inviting people affected by the loss of a baby at any stage of pregnancy/infancy to join us on one of the country's most beautiful coastlines, to collectively create large scale image in the sand which will do it's part to convey the unique mix of absolute heartbreak and true love that unites us. For those who cannot make it but would like to support us with raising funds for 4Louis please kindly donate here. 
I hope that the physical process of creating this image may help people to connect to, and process a grief that is often too complex to put into words. We will be asking people to add to the image with names/dates/special words that you would like to add to honour your children. Aerial images of our design will be captured and available for the group as well as hopefully featured in the press to start a bigger conversation about how we can break the taboos of babyloss and how we can do more to support people through it. 

Event details

Alnmouth beach - 1st July -  9.30am